Tuesday, May 15, 2007

If you want good customer service...

... trying being a good customer.

Has everyone ever thought of that? You come across as rude and bossy, you may not get a very good response. Perhaps if you're polite and nice, you may find yourself getting even better customer service than the customer with the attitude. For example, this one customer was asking the associate about something on a skirt I think. I was in the front, so I didn't hear much. Except for the customer saying "but what if it doesn't come off?" with a very big attitude. I was in the front and heard her loud and clear. A customer in the front commented to me, "someone's got an attitude." The "someone" had already been in our store once today and was in during her second trip. I already dealt with her and now it as the other associate's turn.

Hehe another point... a lady walked in through our back door, asked me where a store was, and walked out the front door. My manager asked me (while the lady was making her way across the store) where the entrance to the mall was. I told her, not too far... about five feet or so away from our entrance. And that there was a mall directory right in front of that too. Two birds with one stone, right? We talked about the laziness of people these days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yah, the manager and i were going over notecards that help you sell better or something and one of them was how to deal with those types of customers... mainly, you just have to greet them, ask if they need any assistance, if they say no let them know you're available, and then back off.